Sunday, April 30, 2006

Love the Weekend

Friday I saw a bumper sticker that read, "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." (I think I like that one even better than the one I saw a few weeks ago that read, "Voting is Sexy." Personally I can get behind the former better than the latter of these two statements - some people just don't develop sex appeal at the point of exiting a voting booth.

Yesterday I read some good words in the Psalms (I've noted a brief sample here) before spending the rest of the day connecting with one friend after another (most in person, but some on the phone).

I spent the evening with my favorite kid in town, (I have to say that now, before he has a little brother that prevents me from saying that). When I stopped singing a song about a helicopter last night to talk to him about an airplane flying by he said to me,

"Auntie, no talking. ... Helicopter"
"Do you just want me to sing about the helicopter?" I asked.
"Yes, helicopter. No talking."
So for a long while I cotinued singing to him about the helicopter we'd seen.

He did sing with me later, though, when I introduced a camp song about tropical fruit and Jesusfrom my friend Hamilton Clan's days working at Wolf Mountain. (Honestly, where do some of these lyrics come from?) I'll have to see if I can get a little video to post of him while he joyfully screams out, "Papayas!" when we sing that song next time. He's too cute! Who knew I'd ever find a way to enjoy the, "I like Bananas" song that the Hamilton Clan sang just to drive me crazy so many years ago?


At 1:38 PM, Blogger Hamilton Clan said...

I am so glad I could pour so much into your life dear friend!


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