Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Little Post, Big Link

For a long time now I've promised many friends that I'd start blogging. Finally it's here: an official first post with the intention to post again on a semi-regular basis. I can guarantee that my posts will be sporadic at best, at least for a while; but, like one of my favorite quotes from Monica on the old TV show Friends, "Yeah, but at least I'm doin' it!" Can you remember which episode that came from?

It seemed fitting to start now with this link to a pod cast from Eugene Peterson. Those of you who have known me for a while will remember that I have often said that Eugene is one of the guys I'd just love to adopt as a grandpa so that I could just sit at his feet and listen to him talk. He's talking here on "Why Spiritual Formation is Not an Option" (or what he more simply calls "Doing the Right Thing the Wrong Way"). This address on the difference between God's Way and just the way we're used to doing things; it seems to me to be a fitting launch for a blog of similar title. I'll make a point though to write more of my own stuff next time. In the interim though, if you have the time, check out what Eugene has to say.


At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola House of Grace. Welcome to blogosphere. It is hard to believe that I post has actually come. :)

That is probably a good pod cast to listen to. I might have to check that out.


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